miércoles, 17 de marzo de 2010



EL 14 de marzo en el D.F. en un lugar llamado el Velvet le fueron robadas las gafas al chico más blanco del mundo, con las que sin ellas no puede ver nada, este penoso accidente ocasionó la suspención de dicho evento.

Aqui pueden chacar la nota desde el punto de vista Hipster.

Aqui el video:

Esto fue lo que the Whitest Boy Alive:

dear mexican audience
….i am writing these few words to make one thing clear.

the show yesterday ended like that, because somebody stole erlend’s glasses.
that’s fucked up, but it does NOT mean the end of the world.
the show was almost at it’s end anyway, we were going to play maybe two more songs
so you didn’t really miss out on something amazing.

of course there was better ways to end the evening, but you have to know
erlend doesn’t see without glasses, and that’s why we couldn’t continue playing.
yes he was upset, but that’s not why we didn’t finish properly.
it’s just impossible to play, sing, dance and entertain people without seeing them.

let’s forget about this strange ending and try to remember the good time we had
and we had some good time.

we are going home now after 3 great weeks in your beautiful country
and we will always come back, don’t worry

see you in a year or two
maybe coachella???


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